Riyādus Sālihāt

Introduction to Riyādus Sālihāt

Founded in January 2004, Riyādus Sālihāt is an educational institute for sisters offering full-time ‘Ālimah classes, and facilities for part-time adult education. Students have the opportunity of enrolling in the three year Fādhilah course, five year ‘Ālimiyyah Course (Islamic theology programme), the Further Education Course or the Preparatory Course.

The institute aims to provide students with the necessary foundations in the Qur’ān and Sunnah as well as the moral and spiritual attributes which have been the characteristics of scholars of Islām throughout the generations.

In a similar manner to the Jame’ah Riyādul ‘Uloom, the institute aims to equip students with the necessary academic and spiritual capabilities that will help students to become scholars of the future.

Choice of Courses

Enrolment Procedure

The academic year at Riyādus Sālihāt runs according to the lunar calendar; Shawwāl to Sha’bān (approximately August to June). Students wishing enrolment in the ‘Ālimiyyah, Fādhilah or Further Education courses are admitted in the month of Shawwāl. Enrolment for Preparatory Course takes place throughout the year, although majority of candidates are admitted in Shawwāl also.

Only those applications are processed which meet the admission criteria. At Riyādus Sālihāt our aim is to give every applicant a fair consideration. After careful analysis of the applicant’s admission form, suitable candidates are requested to attend an assessment test and interview. Various questions relating to background, welfare, ambitions and commitment are asked. Thereafter, the admissions committee decides successful applicants within two weeks. All applicants are admitted on a three month trial basis.

The fees paid are refundable, should a student fail to commence their study at Riyādus Sālihāt.

Education Fees

Fees can be paid as one lump sum at the beginning of the academic year or by ten monthly instalments. Fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change as and when deemed necessary. The current annual fees are as follows:

Preparatory Course£870 as one lump sum.
‘Ālimiyyah (Yr. 1, 2 & 3)£870 as one lump sum.
‘Ālimiyyah (Yr. 4 & 5)    £1000 as one lump sum.
Further Education£175 as one lump sum.

Please note that the fee does not include, the cost of text books, stationery etc.

How to Apply

Please visit our DOWNLOADS page for a printable application form.

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